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BladeHQ: Whishlist Knives

I try balance BladeHQ vs KnifeCenter, but it doesn’t come out evenly every time. Between my friendship with DCA, and his longer term growth into his role, KC often gets the nod.  Doesn’t hurt that the FAQ format that KC does is…

MTJS Blog: End of an Era

I read the title and thought they were giving up on their comeback. I thought it was a bit soon, but it turns out that it is a case of “Reality rendering Satire obsolete”. I rarely throw in the towel, but with the current news…

EverydayCommentary’s Sweet 16 EDCs

In honor of the NCAA tournament going on this weekend, I thought I would post my EDC Folder Sweet 16. There were a one that I posted on the site’s IG feed that had a Roosevelt, but I am not convinced that is a knife that fits. Not only is…

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