Happy Friday Everyone, and Happy Belated Birthday to a country, which warts and all, remains the greatest on Earth. While the New York Times might opine that America didn’t deserve a birthday party this year, I have this to say to them as well…
I hope everyone had a great Independence Day, and you are entering the weekend with the same number of fingers with which you started the week.
I hope that your merriment was enthusiastic and concluded safely. With no ER visits or “Imperial Entanglements”
Tyranny I say!
I agree, not all of us have a crazy uncle to buy them for us…
Don’t let him get into the Jamesons…
Napalm is fun. I once set my driveway on fire as a high schooler.
Let us not forget what we are celebrating…
And this…
Be ungovernable.
Your 4th of July party was not this epic though…
Of course not…
Actual shot of me yesterday…
Actually, we went to the Museum of Appalachia for their annual Anvil Shoot.
It is a yearly tradition, with live music, demonstrations, and lots of folks out to celebrate America.
Metric sucks.
They don’t have any knife shows until the
Village of Knives Knife Show
Then they pick back up.
AIK’s Knife Show
Great Lakes Rendezvous
Keep your eyes on the KNIFE Magazine Events Calendar for the latest shows near you.
You might not find many patriotic songs among the hippie crowd anymore, but the Dead put out one of the best.
I have been sick of the election for a year or more, and there are still 4 more months.
I think we could all agree that it might be better.
Voting is important.
The campaign is a gold mine for memes, even if I can’t share most of them here.
Quicksand and Existential Dread have both played a part in my adulthood.
You’re Grounded.
Definitely won’t enter her to win any knives, like the CRKT SPIT, designed by Alan Folts. Stuart B. is this week’s winner.
Next week, we will give away a CRKT Pry Bar Pocket Tool. Nothing too fancy, but I imagine that the caged blade would probably make it through TSA. As always, up to 5 comments or replies are your entries for next week’s drawing. If you are a first time commenter, your comments count double but will be held in moderation until I can approve the first batch. After that you will be good to go.
My DNA test came back…
I wonder who will win…
He sang both the David Bowie and Freddie Mercury parts…
For Joe Flowers…
I honestly cannot say I am an aficionado.
I want one. I’d never leave the house.
The Champion.
Hard to find good help nowadays…
He doesn’t even know this answer…
Don’t worry…
They left out Vodka though.
Give them skates and sticks.
No, he was just playing DnD
Much cuter than the plastic Roomba.
Not a good boy…
Better than Pet Semetary.
Hate when that happens.
The “anti-Israel” protests continue, with multiple American flags burned at Washington Square Park in New York.
This is not a video from the 1938 Kristallnacht in Germany.
This is a video from July 4th Independence Day in New York as a terrifying mob march through the streets waving flames in a show of force against Jews.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) July 5, 2024
The war could stop tomorrow, if Hamas released the Hostages and
I look forward to retiring this section of the WOT, but I will not do so until the IDF has declared victory in Gaza. My platform might be small, but its reach is greater than me shouting into the wind, so it is worth it.
Another of the more patriotic Dead tunes. IMHO, the Grateful Dead eclipse The Beatles, the Stones, Zepplin, and pretty much everyone else. I am grateful for having the chance to see them 4 times.
It is like its own language.
You’d miss them if they were gone.
And bonus videos…
He isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I am a huge Robert Altman fan. He called “Nashville” his birthday present to America, following on the tumult of the 60’s and early 70’s. It is a phenomenal movie, which I watch about twice a year. This is the final scene, following an assassination of a country singer at a July 4th political rally. It is a good reminder that we as a country have always managed to muddle through.
Have a great weekend everybody. Happy Birthday America.
Read the full article here