It must be wharnie month over at We Knife Co. headquarters. Recently we wrote about the Yardbird, a wild karambitized wharncliffe from collaborator Maciej Torbé; now, under the Civivi flag, the in-house design crew are prepping the Starflare for release, a super slick button lock knife with a wharncliffe slicer blade.
There’s something about wharnie blades, in pictures, that makes it hard to get an accurate idea of their size. You might look at the Starflare and think it’s going to be on the smaller side, but no: at a blade length of 3.2 inches, this is a mid-size piece. This is no modified wharncliffe either: you’ve got a pure straight edge here, running out to a highly acute, very pointy tip.
They actually sent me one, but it was supposed to be embargoed until the 9th of April, or so I thought.
I like it, but the other model they sent me has a better fidget factor. I won’t break the embargo though, so I will share more later. This one will probably end up as a WOT giveaway. It has a cool look to it though.
Read the whole thing at
Civivi Starflare Delivers Sleek Take on EDC Wharnie
Read the full article here