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Review: Vosteed Talarurus

Vosteed’s new Talarurus shows off their ambitious design chops in a big way. They have had other knives with unique, compelling designs like the Corgi line or Thunderbird line but this Talarurus has a new level of cohesiveness that is…

Review: Vosteed Acorn

Vosteed’s newest knife, the Acorn, has all the makings of the next big thing. Every once in a while, a knifemaker tweaks all the knobs just right and one of their knives becomes an instant classic – the kind of knife that becomes so…

BladeHQ: Brand Spotlight – White River

H. Clay Aalders is a lifelong edged tool user. He spent the past 20 years as a woodworker and fishing guide in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Idaho, and Tennessee. While guiding in Idaho, Clay worked part-time writing for a local newspaper, and…

EverydayCommentary: Kaviso Mini Keen Review

I loved the original Ferrum Forge Gent. Its successor, with the oddly downgraded steel (S35VN became 9CR), is pretty unexciting, but that original knife was a compact, well designed, well-made knife that just about anyone could benefit…

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