
Winkler Knives featured in TheFabricator

Knives 2 Min Read

Sometimes you can best serve your country by serving those in the armed forces. Daniel Winkler got that opportunity in the years after Sept. 11, 2001. Of course, the world changed dramatically on that fateful day, and Winkler soon changed with it. Before 2001, Winkler was primarily a full-time knifemaker, having achieved master bladesmith accreditation from the American Bladesmith Society…

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5 from the Grinder: Courage Crawford (Goathammer Forge)

Welcome to another exciting edition of 5 from the Grinder, KNIFE Magazine’s online, quick-hit interview series. My first contact with Courage Crawford came by accident. Courage is the proprietor of Goathammer Forge, which it turns out is easy to mistake for Goat n Hammer, the blacksmith/knifemaking business founded by my…

Knives 2 Min Read

Ammoland: On Finland’s New Ranges, Puukko Knives and Sisu

When Soviet Red Army troops poured across the Finnish frontier three months after the outbreak of World War II, Simo Häyhä, a farmer and member of Finland’s Civil Guard, laid down his pitchfork, picked up his M28-30 Mosin Nagant, jammed his Puukko knife in his belt and calmly went out…

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Knife Rights Idaho Knife Law Preemption Bill Introduced

Idaho Representative Jordan Redman has introduced H0620, a bill that would enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in the state. Knife Law Preemption is a Knife Rights’ criminal justice reform effort that repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap…

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Spydercollector: Lightbox Practice – POTD

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KnifeCenter KniFAQ: Are Edge Testers Legit?

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