Sometimes you can best serve your country by serving those in the armed forces. Daniel Winkler got that opportunity in the years after Sept. 11, 2001. Of course, the world changed dramatically on that fateful day, and Winkler soon changed with it. Before 2001, Winkler was primarily a full-time knifemaker, having achieved master bladesmith accreditation from the American Bladesmith Society…
Prepper Tip – Guerilla gardening refers to growing crops in locations or using methods that keep them relatively hidden from casual observers. For example, rather than an actual garden plot in the backyard, growing tomatoes in a couple of large planters on your patio. Or perhaps making use of the…
The Vosteed Mini Labrador might be a lot of things. It might be Vosteed’s best value for money to date. It might be their best fifth-pocket knife to date. It might be their best gentleman’s knife to date. Let’s take a look at the newest offering provided by Vosteed for…
Who Made Who: The Early Years of Cattaraugus and Case Fixed Blade Production By Bradley Wood As my knife collecting friends can attest, I have been on a decades-long quest to decipher W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Co.’s (“Case”) fixed blade production. I have insisted upon using original source documentation…
H. Clay Aalders is a lifelong edged tool user. He spent the past 20 years as a woodworker and fishing guide in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Idaho, and Tennessee. While guiding in Idaho, Clay worked part-time writing for a local newspaper, and upon moving to Tennessee began writing for the blog The…
With a huge number of outstanding knifemaking brands producing a wide variety of offerings, several large knife-focused retailers currently operating (and many more that have integrated the sale of knives into their business) and literally thousands of available examples of knives — pocket/folding, fixed and otherwise — it’s never been…
Mention the name Connor Toor to most knife aficionados and you’ll receive a knowing nod. That’s because the founder and CEO of Toor Knives Inc. has developed a product line of which any entrepreneur would be envious, and he did so in less than a decade. Add to that, in…
Artillerymen have a love for their guns which is perhaps stronger than the feeling of…
Artillerymen have a love for their guns which is perhaps stronger than the feeling of…
Artillerymen have a love for their guns which is perhaps stronger than the feeling of…
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