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KnifeInformer: Reate Exo M Review

Pros: Improved features like a lock, better pocket clip, and smaller size make the Exo M a more practical EDC option. High-quality materials, including 3V blade steel and 3D milled titanium handle scales. Unrivaled fidgetability…

3 new modern EDCs from Rosecraft

Maryville, TN’s Rosecraft Blades announced the release of 3 new modern EDCs for their 2024 lineup, including a new Swaggs design. (She just had her little girl in case you missed it on IG) The email release was…

Blade Show 2024: The Haul

Blade Show is just a week in the past, and yet it feels like a month ago. Even 4 days away from home leaves a backlog of family and work tasks that need done, on top of trying to get Blade Show posts out while…

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