Closing Arguments or Closing Doors? Kamala’s Campaign on the Brink


It’s that time of year when we begin to hear “closing arguments” from the campaigns of presidential candidates. For Vice President Kamala Harris, her recent efforts have been received much as if the Hindenburg operators kept trying to sell tickets for another little trip across the pond as the embers of the zeppelin were still glowing. For the Democrats, it’s panic time as they see their ‘blue wall’ of states crumbling, the campaign’s alienation of Black men, and open discussions amongst Democrats that there’s no time for Kamala to “get better.”

It is worth reiterating that anything is still possible in this race for the presidency, but one thing is for sure, no matter her outreach, or perhaps because she did engage in a widely-planned media blitz, Kamala’s leads have all but evaporated. As we head into the final 11 days, Trump is ahead, but within the margin of error, in every swing state.

But this is also a story about mood and enthusiasm. Even election forecaster Nate Silver says that, despite the numbers indicating a tight or tied race, his “gut” says that Trump is going to win, at least the electoral college, and take back the presidency. This is due to a number of factors, but most are feeling the momentum of the Trump campaign. Various hosts, pundits, and commentators on reliably leftist legacy media have expressed shock, surprise, and disappointment as they consider how bad of a candidate Kamala has been.

Just how bad is it? The results of a new poll from the Wall Street Journal are brutal for Harris. The paper reports that her campaign has spent $650 million and Trump $378 million on ads since the party conventions. Yet, their poll found that voters views of Harris turned negative, and even her approval rating as vice president declined.

Despite being massively out spent by Harris on advertisements and messaging, the newspaper notes, “By contrast, views of Trump have turned rosier. Voters recall his time as president more positively than at any point in this election cycle, with 52% approving and 48% disapproving of his performance in office—a 4-point positive job rating that contrasts with the 12-point negative rating for Harris.”

It’s not surprising that Americans have not been impressed. Let’s start with the many iterations of her campaign “theme,” meant to placate the voters with slogans instead of policies. Don’t forget we started with her being a “brat.” That was juvenile nonsense and lasted about a week. We then entered the “joy” phase. Until they morphed into being bitter, and affliction no doubt spread by Hillary Clinton and Liz Cheney. They then tried out the “happy warrior” mantra which was a Reagan creation. Next, they tried a new string of words meant to distract for not detailing policies is “turn the page,” which was also dumb as most people do want to turn the page, but from Kamala and her boss Joe Biden.

Finally, it seems they’ve decided their closing slogan argument is—wait for it– “Trump is Hitler.” It isn’t the most original idea, but it’s the only one she has, because it’s the only idea the Democrats have ever had– smearing and defaming their opponents.

Hiding in Joe Biden’s basement and relying on the decade-old Orange Hitler Man Bad narrative has not impressed the American people. Voters want ideas and policies. The Harris campaign has had multiple chances and has simply refused to deliver.

Also strange is a doubling down on a lack of empathy during the ‘closing argument’ phase, but that’s what the Masters of the Universe over at Kamala Central have done. Biden has always faced criticism for lacking empathy, and now after Kamala’s infrequent forays into arenas where there were human beings it became clear it’s also not her strong suit.

Trump, on the other hand, strikes people is genuinely caring about them. His signature effort, the giant rallies, reflect his enjoyment of being around people and engaging with him. Moreover, his remarkable visit to a Philadelphia McDonald’s illustrates his mastery of what’s called “retail politics,” the ability to engage with voters in a personal way, having a significant and positive impact on people in the process. That was a successful and remarkable event not because he went to a McDonald’s to cook up french fries and hand them to the customers, it was because he enjoyed himself, was genuinely interested in what was happening, and truly invested in the people with whom he was engaging.

Some people thought that it would have been a perfect event for Kamala to have done, but she didn’t because she couldn’t. It was a simple action requiring curiosity, respect, and empathy, traits Democrats are sadly lacking in.

The rest of their “final argument” will still not be anything about policy as they lie by omission with their silence on every issue. That should concern everyone.

Instead, watch for even more gossip and anonymous stories fed to and moved by the Trump-hating legacy media in these days leading up to November 5th. Frankly, every negative thing you hear about Trump now requires suspicion, if not outright rejection, immediately. The Democrats are capable of everything. Artificial intelligence makes fake video and audio almost indistinguishable from the real thing, and legacy media will promote anything, regardless of its veracity.

The bad news for Kamala and all her pals is that Americans are fed up with the garbage, the lies, and the gaslighting. They want you to think that somehow the man you’ve been watching for decades is a secret Hitler loving, fascist, war mongering, unstable maniac. But then again, with the Democrats every accusation is a confession. The next couple of weeks, including the days after November 5th, are going to be a doozy no matter what. To take a liberty with what Bette Davis might advise, fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy few weeks!

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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