Beware the Biden Administration’s Latest Vote-Buying Scheme Action Weekly Advocacy Update


On Thursday, an op-ed penned by AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber ran in The Washington Examiner. Weber highlighted Democrat’s machinations to delay Medicare premium rate hikes, caused by the Inflation Reduction Act, until after the election.

Weber states, “In essence, Democrats are using temporary, and possibly illegal, accounting tricks to hold back the flood of premium rate hikes until after November’s election. It’s a blatant attempt by the Biden-Harris administration to use taxpayer dollars to win support from seniors, which is exactly why Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has urged the Department of Justice to investigate the scheme as a Hatch Act violation.”

You can read Weber’s entire op-ed here.

Why You Should Vote EARLY

– You’ll experience shorter lines and better poll worker performance

– It allows election officials to correct registration errors and fix voting system glitches earlier.

– Early voting provides flexibility to voters who can’t take time off during the week to vote.

– You also avoid potentially bad weather on election day and some polling has shown that early voting enjoys popular support.

But here is perhaps the greatest reason to vote early…

Democrats have a history of turning out their vote early and banking sizable vote tallies for their candidates.

You may rest assured that Democrats will be out in full force early in the General Election, which makes it imperative that we take advantage of early voting days in our states and bank as many votes for our candidates as possible.

VOTE EARLY! And spread the word!To watch Senior Vice President Andy Mangione’s AMAC Action Spotlight: Early Voting, click here.

Time is running out before the November 5 election! We need you to stand up and serve as a poll observer or election worker! Your help is indispensable to ensure that our elections are conducted securely and fairly. We need as much conservative involvement as we can muster to counter the attempts by the Democrats to corrupt our elections.

Get involved this year by signing up to become a poll observer or election worker. A quick click on the link below will start the simple process.

Click here to use the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s user-friendly Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool to find your local precinct and sign up.

Here’s how you can make a difference:

1. Spread the Word: Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the importance of ending Ranked-Choice Voting. Share information on social media, help organize events, distribute materials, and mobilize voters.

2. Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers to help with campaign activities. Whether it’s canvassing, phone banking, or distributing literature, your time and effort are invaluable.

3. Visit: to learn more.


AMAC Action launched get-out-the-vote campaigns in the following states to activate members and inform them of critical election integrity and life issues on the ballot:

Wisconsin Eligibility to Vote Referendum

Support a constitutional amendment ensuring that only US citizens may vote in Wisconsin’s elections.

Oklahoma State Question 834

Support a constitutional amendment ensuring that only US citizens may vote in Oklahoma’s elections.

Arizona Prop 133 & Prop 140

Support Prop 133 to keep partisan primaries in Arizona and oppose Prop 140 that would introduce jungle primaries and ranked-choice voting into Arizona’s elections.

Florida Amendment 4

Oppose a constitutional amendment that would enshrine abortion on-demand into Florida’s state constitution.

Alaska Ballot Measure 2

Support this measure that would ban ranked-choice voting from Alaska’s elections.

Oregon Measure 117

Oppose this measure that would establish ranked-choice voting for Oregon’s elections.

Nevada Question 3

Oppose this proposal that would establish ranked-choice voting and jungle primaries for Nevada’s elections.

South Dakota Amendment H

Oppose this amendment that would establish ranked-choice voting and Top-Two primary elections (jungle primary).

Colorado Prop 131

Oppose this proposal which would create jungle primaries and install ranked-choice voting for Colorado’s elections.


October 21 Meet & Greet: WI-01 Delegate William Lethlean hosted a Meet & Greet between AMAC members and WI-01 Congressman Bryan Steil. Dr. Richard Schmidt, former Milwaukee County Sheriff and current Pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church, led the group in prayer and Jefferson Davis, a member of the Election Integrity for Wisconsin Ad-Hoc Committee, presented a detailed report on election integrity activities in the state of Wisconsin. Congressman Bryan Steil provided a summary of current campaign activities and important issues impacting the state, including out-of-control spending and the impact of illegal immigration on communities and schools.

October 23 All-State Meeting: OH-05 Delegate Lou Gallo hosted the virtual Ohio All-State Meeting and State Senate Majority Leader Rob McColley and Caitlin Sutherland of Americans for Public Trust, discussed Ohio Ballot Issue 1—what it means and who is funding it.

October 24 All-State Meeting: With the assistance of FL-16 Delegate Harry Bishop, AMAC Action State Advocacy Representative Nick Aramino hosted the virtual Florida All-State Meeting. Doug Wheeler, Director of the George Gibbs Center for Economic Prosperity at the James Madison Institute, educated AMAC members on amendments to the Florida constitution.

October 24 All-State Meeting: WA-06 Delegate Gary Sharp hosted the inaugural Washington State virtual All-State Meeting. Brian Noble, CEO and President of the Family Policy Institute of Washington, spoke about getting out the vote and Hallie Balch of Let’s Go Washington explained four important ballot initiatives. AMAC members also had the opportunity to hear from candidates for both federal and Washington State offices.

Action ☆ Academy 

The Constitution: The Limited Powers of Congress

In the 5-minute video The Constitution: The Limited Powers of Congress, John Yoo, Professor of Law at the University of California, explains that the framers of the U.S. Constitution wanted to give less power to the government and more power to the people. “This was a radical new idea, and it started with the Legislative Branch: the House of Representatives and the Senate.” PragerU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes American values in short educational videos for people of all ages.

Term of the Week: Taxation without representation is tyranny

A slogan of the REVOLUTIONARY WAR and the years before. The colonists were not allowed to choose representatives to PARLIAMENT in LONDON, which passed the laws under which they were taxed. To be taxed only with the with the consent of one’s representatives in Parliament was a particularly cherished right of the people under English law, a right dating back to MAGNA CARTA in the thirteenth century. Each additional tax caused fresh resentment among the colonists. Taxation without representation is one of the principle offenses of BRITAIN listed in the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.

(Hirsch et al., The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy 264)

Class for September and October

Western Heritage: From the Book of Genesis to John Locke

The foundations of Western Civilization are rooted in the civilizations of the ancient Hebrews and classical Greeks, and the West’s greatest accomplishments can be traced back to these beginnings. Discover the history and unique character of Western Civilization and learn how its essential elements culminated in the American Founding in Hillsdale College’s free online course Western Heritage: From the Book of Genesis to John Locke. This 11-session course includes lessons on the ancient Hebrews, classical Greece and Rome, early Christianity, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and much more.

Quote of the Week

“Even in conditions of relative normality, the exercise of the vote is your moral duty, through which you cooperate in the first person in choosing the person who will lead the Nation for the next four years. But in this coming electoral round – just as in 2020 and indeed much more so – you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law. No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.

― Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, October 22, 2024

Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Delegate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or [email protected].

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