Happy Valentines Day, and welcome to the KNIFE Magazine Weekend Open Thread.
I was actually going to avoid using Valentines as a theme, until I found a whole raft of Valentine card memes today, and I just couldn’t avoid it.
Venturing into political memes is sometimes dicey, but in the case of WuFlu related memes, they are sort of what launched the WOT in its current form.
The knife shows were all cancelled, and we kept the community going with knife giveaways and memes.
So we try to keep a lighthearted spirit, and bring a bit of levity to these chaotic times.
The meme above, and the two below, come from the Meme Master – McNeil (Reflog_18)
but the best one…
Don’t forget the Cavs…
Wait, what?…
Not romantic at all. But Tacos are romantic…
Really, guys are pretty easy on Valentines Day…
I was actually planning on using the Daytona as the theme, based on a reader request a few weeks back, so I had already gathered some memes…
Of course the 2001 Daytona is the only race that one is allowed to hate without being racist.
I used follow NASCAR closely back in the 1990s. Terry Labonte (#5) was my favorite driver. I admired the emphasis on consistency over needing to win every race.
Ironically, there probably won’t even be a race this Sunday…
If the track gets wet, you’re gonna have a bad time…
Unless it is a road course, obviously.
Taking a look at the KNIFE Magazine Event Calendar. One show this weekend. Click the posing to get more details.
Next weekend there are two…
Keep your eyes on the KNIFE Magazine Events Calendar to find a show near you.
Huey Lewis isn’t someone I listen to much anymore, but was a definite part of the background music of my childhood. And Power of Love seems like a good musical fit for Valentines Day…
Jump to 2:15, if you just want the song. But the Back to the Future cross promotion was kinda amusing.
Some weeks finding a theme is hard. I could have done Super Bowl halftime memes if I had wanted to.
The game was pretty boring.
Swifties be like…
The Defense Secretary went running with SOF troops in Germany…
But it was this absolute Unit of a soldier that stole the show.
And Elon Musk is doing Elon Musk things…
The response is something like this…
Or this…
I am not so obtuse as to think that nothing good came from USAID, but it looks like it has been a left wing political slush fund. And the people screaming are being disingenuous. This sums up my personal feelings…
There is a tactic that I call the “hostage puppy.” A group spends much or most of its time and money in horrible, counterproductive ways, but they are also keeping an extremely cute and vulnerable puppy alive. If anyone tries to cut their funding or shut them down, they wheel out…
— Perry E. Metzger (@perrymetzger) February 7, 2025
Read the whole thing.
I am not partisan, I am American.
I will be interested to see how the MAHA thing goes. I honestly have no idea, other than the status quo has kids in elementary school suffering fatty liver symptoms, and girls are getting their periods in single digit ages now.
I am old enough to remember when eggs were going to kill us. Now we just cant afford them.
It is knife giveaway time…
We are giving away a Hunt n Fisch from CRKT. Things have gotten interesting. Rod has joined the “Token Holders”, since Hocky is not participating, he was drawn second. Since this one of CRKT’s more premium knives, you have to be drawn twice to win. Cmeat, Zach, and Del are the others. The rest of you are still in it however. Up to 5 comments or replies are your entries. If you are new to commenting here, your comments count double, but will be held in moderation until I can approve the first batch.
Good luck everyone.
Moving on to our non-themed memes…
Dude was an alien.
In case you missed it, former Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel was appointed Lt. Governor of Ohio. I don’t know who wrote that, but it is really funny if you are familiar with Tresselball.
I am really rusty on my schematic diagrams.
Made you look.
Of course he does. He lacks purpose if he does not.
Coming soon.
25 BTC! Holy crap. 1 Bitcoin is currently $97k.
We need more goalies who can haunt your dreams.
Keep things traditional.
Also true.
Kinda mean actually.
As I have every week since October 7th, 2023, I want to take a minute to voice my support for Israel and the Jewish people as they fight for the return of their hostages.
REMINDER: This crowd of Pro-Hamas Australians were standing outside the Sydney Opera House screaming “Gas the Jews” just one day after the October 7 Massacre.
One. Day.
We were still sifting through the ashes of Be’eri searching for our loved ones.
This was never about land. pic.twitter.com/ePXZKsqqar
— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) February 13, 2025
The Jews are not “Occupiers”, it has been their land for more than two millennia.
I am utterly appalled by the way so many “liberal” people have turned against Israel. They did not start this war. And it will end when the Hostages are returned.
Nobody wants to accept “palestinian refugees” because they know that to do will wreck wherever they settle.
Of course this would never happen, because China doesn’t want them either.
I look forward to when I can retire this section of the WOT, but I will not abandon it.
It is always a little awkward bringing things back after a serious interlude, so once again, Huey Lewis and the News…
I was torn between Heart of Rock and Roll, and this. This won, based on the fact that I remembered the video. I didn’t have Cable growing up, so the fact that it managed to leave an impression on me as a kid gave it the edge.
Been a while since I watched The Shining.
A neverending quest.
The struggle is real.
Some of you won’t understand this, but it is utterly fantastic if you do. I will leave it to you all to discuss in the comments. If it goes over everyone’s head, I will chime in at some point.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Read the full article here