Weekend Open Thread: Friday Night Freedom Edition


Howdy Everyone…

It is Friday night and it is Weekend Open Thread time. What album is in your 8-track? And where are you going on a Friday night?

I don’t have too much of a theme this evening, as most current memes are related to the Presidential debate and its aftermath.





Instead we got this…


I hope that Mark R is doing ok down in Texas…

Not sure where in Texas you are, but wherever it is, I hope your local Whataburger is open.


As a bit of a follow up on last week’s Independence day WOT…

What is even more noteworthy, is that Europe has never produced an SEC Championship…

With food such as this, is it any wonder we declared our independence from England…

As they say, only the British would conquer the world to control the spice trade, and then not incorporate it into their cooking.

One more current event meme…

The fact that there is a meme about the Supreme Court overturning the doctrine of Chevron deference cracks me up. Never mind the farmers and fishermen who were being pillaged by the administrative state, it is the law professors that we should be feeling sorry for.

Taking a look at the KNIFE Magazine Events Calendar shows that we are back into the shows after a few weeks off. This weekend:

Village of Knives Knife Show

Coming up…

AIK’s Knife Show

Great Lakes Rendezvous

And since we are talking about the calendar…

In case you were not aware, Robert Smith is the lead singer of The Cure. So the musical selection should be obvious….


I can’t call myself a huge Cure fan, but they were definitely a presence on the radio throughout my adolescence. They have a few good songs.

That was one of the original WuFlu memes. Which in a strange way was integral to the creation of the current format of the WOT.

We haven’t had too much of a theme tonight, but I do have a cluster of memes loosely categorized as “I have questions…”

There are all sorts of memes along these lines…


I wonder what happened.

Oddly specific.

What did the penguins do?

Probably not.  I imagine they’d be similar to a diver duck. Taste like dirt.

“Mr. George…How much you pay the new guy?”

The “Hello Mr. George” audio has been dubbed over a ton of “fail” videos.

I am not even sure what they are warning us about…

Looks uncomfortable.

“You Eat, You Go Home”

A different theme for this pair…


And finally, before I get to this week’s giveaway…

If that didn’t make sense, maybe this will help…


This week we are giving away a CRKT Pry Bar multitool. Steve T. wins since Hocky removed himself from the running.

We are starting a “Two Token” drawing for a CRKT M16-03DB – Deadbolt Lock M16. Usual 2 token rules apply. You must be drawn twice to win the knife (Value $125).   Your first weekly draw gets you a “token” and the first person to be drawn a second time in a subsequent week is the winner. If you are new to the blog, your first comments will count double, but will be held in moderation until I approve the first batch.

Good Luck everyone.

Wake up sheeple.

It is almost like these were written buy the same person…

AI will never be able to write like that.

They don’t make trucks like they used to.

I bet you’d fall for a rickroll too.

Nick Cage is a talented fellow.

That sort of thing happens in the Fire Service too.


Dobby wants some bbq.

The Osprey is an offense against nature and aviation.

Pizza rolls are an offense against food.

Speaking of unholy. Is that a “Tacquito”?

I am 48. That hurts.

Pretty much.

Power Corrupts.

Spoons made us fat.

What tape was in the cassette player?

Seek the wisdom of the Elders.

That makes me chuckle.


The Gulf Coast is kinda like that anyway.


Least of all the babies.


Don’t do it.

Useful invention.

Star Wars summarized poorly.

Why not both?


I bet there was a brief moment where it felt good.

You bastard.

My dog, and her ball this afternoon.

The wonder of nature.

Every Friday night since October 7th, I have taken a small portion of the WOT to voice my support for the State of Israel and the Jewish people as they fight for their survival and hold the front line of Civilization against genocidal barbarians.

While I have tried to keep this section at least a little humorous, when I can find anything funny related to the conflict, but it has been slim pickings. Even the Babylon Bee hasn’t posted anything in over a month. But there is a reason that I will not abandon this section until Israel declares victory. There are still 5 American citizens among the hostages, not that you would know it listening to the news or to our elected leader.

Since I don’t really have anything funny to share, I will share something profound and touching…

Never Again is Now.

Once again, The Cure…

I could have shared “Lovesong”, “Pictures of You” or any of another several, but Just like Heaven and “Friday” are my favorites. Funny thing about The Cure and other British “New Wave” artists – neither my wife nor I are huge fans of the genre, but when we are on road trips and shuffling on the radio we always stop on The Cure, Culture Club, Madness, and other similar bands. It is an island of commonality between my dead hippy music and my wife’s more brooding metal favorites.

You always know when a meme hits close to the mark.

Sage advice.

It has been that way since the founding of the country.

Through to the current crop of budding conflicts…

Stay safe out there everyone.

Have a great weekend.


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