Howdy Folks. After a crazy couple of weeks, I am ready to settle in and watch some Olympics for the next two.
But first I need to knock out the Weekend Open Thread. Press Day is next Wednesday as well, so I will be working all weekend I am sure. But I will have all manner of obscure sports I don’t really care about on in the background.
Like Synchronized swimming.
We (I) made homemade ice cream and homemade ice cream for the Opening Ceremony.
I agree with the East German judge. He does suck.
Dreams shattered in a fraction of a second.
I could get behind that, or this…
For someone as globalism-skeptical as myself, I like the Olympics too much. I have mentioned it before, but as the son of a Dutch immigrant, some of my favorite childhood memories. Especially watching speed skating which the Dutch dominate. Team Orange is a little less formidable in the Summer games.
I am old enough to remember stuff like that.
She didn’t look amused.
Strange, but true…
This is probably more true than folks care to admit…
They are certainly easy on the eyes…
The Olympic rings are classic…
But the logo for these games wants to speak to the manager…
Who saw this guy coming?
Speaking of names…
Still waiting for a Triple Lindy…
Of course he will.
Everyone into the car. Or bobsled…
In fairness, this is every Olympics, G7, Political Convention, etc…
I might not amount to much…
…but my meme-game is top-notch…
Of course the Olympics aren’t the only thing going on this weekend. The KNIFE Magazine Events Calendar shows us that there is a knife show in Michigan…
Great Lakes Rendezvous
Next week is the Natural State Show…
Natural State Knife Show
Rogers, Arkansas is also the home of AG Russell Knives. Drop by their Brick and Mortar and check it out.
It is getting a bit harder to come up with musical guests for the WOT each week. I have a fairly wide ranging musical taste, but even I am running out of artists to share. But somehow I have not yet selected the King of Rock and Roll…
I am not a massive Elvis fan. I like his music, but am too young to truly “get” the whole Elvis thing. I suppose that he was a cultural figure analogous to Michael Jackson in my childhood, but I never really liked Michael Jackson, so I wasn’t riding the wave. Elvis died the year after I was born, so I never witnessed him as a cultural figure myself.
As is typical for the second section of the WOT, the memes are somewhat topical, or relate back to previous Open Threads. Such as the ongoing vendetta against the metric system…
The news has been crazy lately, even without politics…
Kinda telling that that flew (swam) under most peoples’ radar this week.
Hard to believe that my “Barbenheimer” WOT was a year ago…
The Cloudflare internet outage continues to cause havok in the airline industry…
Apple’s ad team was there for it.
It probably would have been last week’s theme except it was swallowed in all the other news.
Speaking of Apple…
That thing will still be running long after the rest of the world collapses.
Meanwhile in Canadia…
151441 is a long time from now. I don’t think we will last that long…
People in the South…
Soon. Very Soon.
I am voting for the Sweet Meteor of Death. Twice as hard now.
Moving on to tonight’s giveaway drawing. We are still in the middle of a CRKT M16 drawing.
It is a “two token” drawing, which means that you need to be drawn twice to win the knife. Hocky has a token, and Del is joining him this week. They only need to be drawn once more to win. Everyone else is still in the running. Up to 5 comments or replies are your entries. If you are new to the blog, your first comments will be held in moderation until I approve the first batch, but your first week’s comments count double.
Good luck everyone.
Much scarier…
Not so scary…
Speaking of the hood…
I plead the 5th…
Unfortunate billboard placement…
Without a doubt…
I got nothing for this next one…
This is a great insult…
Never say never.
If it walks like a duck.
What tipped you off?
That is actually pretty accurate.
I forget what tv show I saw where a bunch of young dads were placing bets on the See-N-Say. That is brilliant.
That is brilliant too.
I laughed out loud twice to that one. First when I found it, and then again when I showed it to my wife.
As I have every Friday night since October 7th, I have dedicated a portion of the WOT to calling out the rise of antisemitism in the West, and to use my platform to voice my support for the State of Israel as they fight the genocidal terrorist group Hamas. Israel managed to recover the remains of 5 more of the kidnapped this week, but no live hostages. This conflict can end tomorrow, if Hamas would simply release any remaining hostages, return the remains of those they killed, and step down from power. Until then, or until the Israelis declare an end to operations, we will continue to support the IDF.
As obvious as it is, it is worth stating: “Hamas is coming,” sprayed in the streets of the US Capitol, is not criticism of Israel or Netanyahu, it is an explicit threat at American Jews.
— Isaac de Castro (@isaacdecastrog) July 25, 2024
Prime Minister Netanyahu came to address Congress this week, and Hamasniks were out in force. While I support the act of political speech that is burning a flag, I do not support acts of public violence or destruction, and the flags that were burned were public property. That comes with rather hefty penalties, if there was the political will to actually enforce the law. The perpetrators will not face significant repercussions because “shut up Zionist”.
I try to keep things as light as the subject matter allows, and that is an amusing retort.
From the “Chosen People” to the “Promised Land”, once again, I bring you our musical guest…Elvis.
Is it wrong that I like the Dead’s cover better? I think I remember Hocky saying he was a big Elvis fan a while back. What songs should I use next time?
My feed is 90% memes at this point.
The struggle is real.
I do my best for you.
Have a good weekend everybody.
Read the full article here