Weekend Open Thread: Dodging a Bullet Edition


Hello fellow People of the Knife…

Anything happen since we last convened?

As a general rule, we keep the Weekend Open Thread fairly apolitical, but all people of good faith can be happy that our country has not suffered the trauma of a successful assassination of a former President/current front runner in this election. While the death of Corey Comperatore is a tragic, and our prayers are with his family, but it affects only those close to him. I shudder to think of where we would be right now had the shooter not missed what was a a relatively short shot at President Trump.

But since he did, we can share some of the funnier memes, without their being an endorsement of the candidate in question.

Flashback to last week…“You eat, You go home”.


Kinda creepy, but I wouldn’t put it past His Hairness.


This was probably a wise choice…


A couple of more…

Of course the media tried to downplay the assassination attempt…

Taking a look at the KNIFE Magazine Events Calendar:

AIK’s Knife Show


If you have been watching the newsfeed, you will know that there is also a charity tomahawk auction this weekend, which you can red more about here…

Warwood Tool Celebrates 170th Anniversary with Tomahawk Auction Featuring Renowned Blacksmiths

Next weekend:

Great Lakes Rendezvous

Tonight’s musical guest is They Might Be Giants. TMBG is/were a somewhat kitschy band from the 90s, whose music I seldom skip when it shuffles through my playlist.

Nothing of particular musical heft, but I still remember every word, as does my wife. They played Summer Sendoff at Kenyon my Sophomore year I believe.

Back when the Secret Service didn’t mess around. The boat shoes really make the ensemble.

A couple of points I want to make before I get to the next memes. This is not meant to disparage the individual bravery of the agents who, in the grand tradition of the Secret Service, threw their bodies over  President Trump. While there are some funny memes about “DEI Agent Lady” I am not going to share them as I think they unfairly single out an individual whose dedication might be impeccable, but whose size and physique rendered her incapable of physically shielding Trump, or manhandling him into a vehicle.

But the blame does not lie with her or with Pat from Saturday Night Live. The blame lies with her superiors.

We don’t get political per se, but it is in the grandest tradition of the WOT dating back to covid memes, to let fly against government incompetence.

And there is no greater display of incompetence than to flat out lie to the American public. She said that the “buck stopped with (her)” before proceeding to lie about the roof, and try to pass the blame onto local law enforcement.

Don’t pee on my feet and tell me it is raining. Resignation is too good for her. I suggest Seppuku.



But she continues to stonewall…



Actually, this roof would pose a challenge…

And saving the best for last…

Believe it or not, there were some other things that happened this week.

Whoever the woman in the top frame is, she butchered the national anthem so badly that she entered rehab the next day.

There was a major internet outage that knocked out the FAA systems among others.

And NCAA Football came out after more than a decade hiatus. I loved the last installment, but I can’t justify buying a PS5 just so I can play a video game.

Richard Simmons had the misfortune to die just before the assassination attempt on Saturday.

RIP Shelley Duvall…

All the memes of Shannon Doherty are cruel (her eyes were crooked), but that one hits a late Gen-X’er particularly hard.

The greatest dead-pan comic of all time died this week.

Which leaves the last passing of note…

She saw action in the early days of the Hagganah. It breaks my heart that she had to witness the kind of antisemitic garbage that she literally fought against back then have a resurgence in the year 2024. May her memory be a blessing.

I suppose that this is a good segue…

One of the most significant moments of the RNC was the speech by the parents of Omer Neutra, an American citizen who has been held hostage since October 7th.

Bring them Home now.

The war continues because Hamas refuses to release the hostages and step down. Israel’s cause is just, and the blood and suffering are on Hamas’s hands. I look forward to retiring this section of the WOT, but I will not until Israel declares its operation over.

Because this is a humor post, I wanted to share one last item, that while it relates to the Trump assassination attempt, is somewhat connected. Since October 7th, I have begun to follow many Twitter/X accounts from prominent Jewish pundits to find out the latest information without the bias from US media. If you are unfamiliar with the Jewish observance of Shabbat (Sabbath), they disconnect from all electronics from sundown Friday through sundown Saturday. Shabbat-observant Jews turned their phones on about an hour after the shooting…

That is one of the funniest things I saw all week.

It wouldn’t be a WOT if I didn’t have a selection of random memes for you, but first, our knife drawing…

The Made in Taiwan CRKT M16 is a “Two Token Drawing” which meand that you need to be drawn twice to win. If I understand correctly, Hocky is interested in participating in this drawing, which is a good thing since I drew him as our first “Token Holder”.  Hocky just needs to be drawn once more to win, but everyone else is still in the running. Just leave your comments and replies below. Up to 5 count as your entries in the drawing.  If you are a new commenter on the blog, your comments count double, but will be held in moderation until I can approve the first batch.

Good luck everyone.

Everything is “fine”.

Totally sus, as my son would say.

Related. Kinda…

Bonus points if they are running.

Uhm…what if you see Predator?

Seemed like a good segue.  I’d actually be seeing Lost Boys though

Who wants to tell them?

Well…Yes. Yes he does.

Too soon?

They prefer sous vide.

I need to check my shop for hidden cameras.

Speaking of my shop, thanks again to Steve T. for coming by last Sunday…

Steve is in photo 5.

Probably applies to Canada too. Glad we can amuse you Del.

Is this a game show for you?


He probably bought something like this…

“Too much cheese” is like “leftover bacon”.  Not a thing.

Be afraid.

they have a point.

I for one welcome our new robot overlords…

Might need an animal army for protection…

Are they Cape Buffalo?

You really don’t hate the media enough.

I love it when a plan comes together.

I have a list.

Sorry. That was bad.

Or the Dread Pirate Wesley.

Seems legit.

“It wasn’t me.”


Shaggy Reference.  That one might make a good musical selection. Deals with a guy who is caught with cheating, but he doubles down. Really funny song.

This isn’t bad either….

Probably their best known song.

Back to the memes.

Might be better.

Probably something red.  Just a hunch.

Memers are the chroniclers of the fall of civilization.

I am here for you, like you have been for me…

Until then…


Since we don’t have emojis, I will settle for a lively comment section.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Read the full article here

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