Weekend Open Thread: Digging for a Laugh Edition.


Hey All, I want to start by thanking you for understanding the lack of a WOT this week. I am not going to complain about the 14 hours without power, and 48 hours without internet, because these are mild inconveniences when so many folks lost everything less than an hour from here.

I admit, it wasn’t easy to pull this WOT together, mostly because even dark humor isn’t really cutting it. I am not finding too much funny, other than the fact that two of my fraternity brothers who live in asheville, who are blessedly safe, had a moment of irony. They evacuated their parents from town and transported them to coastal South Carolina.

They happen to co-own a mobile veterinary practice, so “Cooter” and “Cletus”, this one is for you…

So our prayers are for Newport, Tennesse, Asheville, North Carolina, and too many smaller communities to count. Mountain Strong Y’all. The Volunteer State has been true to its name, with people who are trying to help being turned away by authorities.

I withhold judgement whether or not authorities are being truthful when they say that their help is not needed. Indications would suggest otherwise.

We do things a bit differently in the South…

Another reason it is tough is because while there is so much pain and suffering nearby, I am simultaneously excitedly packing for a Fall Break trip to Montana, to take the family to visit “Uncle Ethan” Becker. Oh yeah, and David Andersen is supposed to be joining us after Blade West as well.

So I have been packing and tying a few flies for the first time in years. I have finally run out of a few particular favorite patterns and need to restock my boxes.

My daughter and I visited in 2023. This time we are bringing the whole family.

Next week will be light on the website, but I am bringing an iPad and will try to post a few topical photos and other things. might be a lot of Blade West videos, since the show is this weekend. There will not be a WOT next week.

Blade Show West

As always, ignore the embed date, still working on getting that fixed. I promise you Blade West is this weekend.


The previous hurricane cancelled the show, but the Louisiana Custom Knife show is back on next weekend.

Louisiana Knife Show

It has been a hard week for celebrities…

. .John Amos, John Ashton, Dikembe Mutombo, and of course Charlie Hustle. Who belongs in the HOF as a player. But not as a manager.

But perhaps the most notable passing this week was Kris Kristofferson…

We lost the Sailor. That leaves only The Highwayman…


So tonight’s musical guest is kinda obvious…

The best Boy Band of all time…

Willie must be protected at all cost.


A couple of more topical memes…

I heart college football…

The Buckeyes have entered the chat…

It is much better to be a Buckeyes fan than a Browns fan…

It has been a rough life.

I love the Fall…

Tis the season…


Halloween season isn’t all bad…

Much better than pumpkin spice is winning a knife.

Congrats to Del.  He gets his choice of the Browning Primal kit, or the folder.  I am hoping he wants the kit.  I don’t think it will cause any headaches in Customs, and he is actually the most likely to use it. Zach is the other big hunter, but he didn’t enter.

No drawing next for the next WOT. We are about to receive a new CRKT shipment, and I figure I will start back with those. I will have something next time.

Here are the rest of the memes…


Marvin Heemeyer was a douche canoe.

I forgot to mention above, my lacrosse girls beat our rival in a scrimmage Monday night…

There was even a rainbow as we left the field.

Because even god likes it when the Team That Shall Not Be Named loses.

Seems legit.

Creepy.  Needs more cowbell.

They are tasty though.

Too Risque?


I hate when this happens…

I prefer cold brew. Unsweetened.

That can’t be Harambe…He would never mislead us that way.

I am that years old.I have a hard time believing that this week marks the one year anniversary of the October 7th massacre in Israel. The hostages, alive and dead alike, have not been brought back. Iran launched the largest ballistic missile barrage in history, and only US/Israeli cooperation and technology prevented loss of innocent life.

Non-innocent life hasn’t fared as well.

There has been more turnover in Hezbollah leadership than the NYC mayor’s office.

Or as the Bee puts it…


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of fellows…

If you watched the mainstream media, you might have missed the fave that Lebanese and Syrian civilians were celebrating in the streets.

Civilization does not mourn his demise.

And it all started with booby trapped pagers.

I wish that I had been able to retire this section of the WOT sometime in the past year. But I will not abandon it until the hostages are returned.

I normally would share another video from our musical guest, but as I was writing this this evening I received some terrible news.

John’s fiance was discovered today. May her memory be a blessing.

I do not know John personally,  but we have several mutual friends. His story was all over the online knife community this week. I am sure that there will be a GoFundMe if there isn’t already. I will pass it along when I find it.

There are bright spots however…

The knife community is good people as they say.I will share more details this week.

And I want to end on an uplifting note…

Mountain-folk are a strong bunch. But they need our prayers.

Be safe everyone.

Read the full article here

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