The new Sage 5 Salt got a great geometry but I love convex edges.
I like to remove the shoulder on the edge and with diamonds it is only a matter of minutes.First thing. I do protect the sides of the blade to avoid scratching because I’m clumsy. I use thick duct tape AKA gaffer used to fix everything on the movie sets for everything including marks on the floor or information on magazines.
File this under “modding” more than sharpening, but it is the best I could do with our category structure. Nemo does a nice job outlining the process.
Personally, while I love a convex edge on a larger knife, I am not sure I have had one on an EDC. Might have to try this on an inexpensive knife and see the results.
Read the whole thing at Nemo Knives Review…
De-Shouldering Process – How I get a convex edge in 15 minutes.
Read the full article here