Day Two started off with a whimper.
We normally park at the Cumberland Mall across two pedestrian bridges. This morning there were 4 mall cops standing at the bridge. So, I walked up to the them and politely asked, “Excuse me, officers. But is there a problem here I should avoid?”
One said the parking lot was private property and she would hate to see my car towed. So, we moved the truck, and got one of the last 12 spaces in the paid parking deck at Cobb Galleria. I hated to do that. But I would have hated it more if I had my vehicle towed.
The mall has huge parking areas. Seems to me they could sell some sort of window ticket for a few bucks and assure that those cars would not be towed. Free money, folks.
We typically park at the Mall, though I don’t know where these pedestrian bridges are that he mentions. I typically toss a Blaze Pizza bag on my dashboard after buying a slice on Day 1. Since Blaze is right there, my car has never been bothered.
I saw Frank several times, though I didn’t think to grab a picture with him. Nice guy, and fun to see how his eye catches different things than mine.
Read the whole thing at The Knife Edge.
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