The other day, I wrote a product Review on the Outdoor Edge Razor EDC Lite 2.5” Knife. I told how I had met up with Outdoor Edge marketing guru Karen Lutto Leatherman and that she had shown me their offerings. So today, we want to review the Outdoor Edge Razor VX5, which is also a replaceable blade EDC knife.
I’ve never considered a replaceable blade knife for an EDC, but it is probably a good idea for 95% of people because 95% of the knife carriers in the solar system can’t sharpen a knife. So why fool yourself and constantly work with a dull knife? Buy an Outdoor Edge Razor VX5, and when it gets dull, just slap on another blade.
Well, let’s get into the Product Review and see what characteristics we like on the Outdoor Edge Razor VX5 and what characteristics we wish that they’d add.
To begin with, the Outdoor Edge Razor VX5 is a full-sized folder. I like that. I don’t like little gentlemen’s knives, i.e., wimpy knives. I don’t like folders that require me to use tweezers to open the blade since the knife is so small, so to speak. It utilizes a flipper opening system, which works fine for me with a little flip of the wrist.
I have only used their more scalpel like blades. I like the concept, and it seems like fair to good execution.
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Outdoor Edge Razor VX5 EDC Knife – Review
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