The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (Association) applauds House introduction of the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Reauthorization Act of 2024 (H.R.8811). On Friday, June 21, the bipartisan legislation was introduced to reauthorize some of the most successful conservation programs in the country including the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) and the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP).
“We would like to thank Representatives Wittman (R-VA), Dingell (D-MI), Kiggans (R-VA) and Thompson (D-CA) for championing reauthorization of these critical programs,” said Ryan Brown, Executive Director of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. “This legislation will help ensure that state agencies and our partners can continue leveraging federal funds to put conservation in action from the Chesapeake Bay to inland waters and terrestrial habitats across the country.”
In addition to reauthorizing NFHP and NAWCA through 2030, the bill would continue programs for conservation of the Chesapeake Bay, efforts to combat aquatic invasive species under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, funding for livestock depredation compensation and prevention, continuation of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and establishment of the Chronic Wasting Disease Task Force.
“With the Senate’s unanimous reauthorization of the ACE Act earlier this year, we are excited to work with this strong, bipartisan coalition of conservationists to achieve the same result in the House,” said Chuck Sykes, Director of the Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries and President of the Association. “By reauthorizing and fully funding these programs Congress can reaffirm its commitment to America’s hunters, anglers, and outdoor recreationists.”
Since 2006, NFHP’s 20 regional partnerships have led to over 1,500 successful conservation projects in all 50 states for the benefit of fish, their habitats, and anglers throughout the country. Meanwhile, since its inception in 1981, NAWCA has put more than 3,200 projects on the ground in North America thanks to almost $4.3 billion from partners, leveraging federal dollars more than 2-1 to conserve and restore almost 32 million acres of wetlands.
The Association urges swift, unanimous passage of the ACE Act and is committed to securing funding levels for the programs it contains in line with demonstrated needs, as authorized in the Senate-passed S. 3791.
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies—the organization that represents North America’s fish and wildlife agencies—promotes sound resource management and conservation, and speaks on important fish and wildlife issues. Found on the web at, on Facebook /AssociationofFishandWildlifeAgencies and on Twitter @fishwildlife.
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