Submitted by David Sparks, CMP Staff
As a former Police Officer and current firearms instructor, there is not a lot for someone else to teach me about firearms. I have 31 years as an instructor and have won an armed confrontation in a shootout. My knowledge is that of an expert!
Those were my thoughts as I went to work for the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) at Talladega Marksmanship Park in Talladega, Ala.
I watched several matches and decided that I should participate in a pistol match – with my expertise, I’m sure I would win the whole thing. How miserably arrogant and naive I was. My education would soon begin.
I knew that I would need to practice some, so I bought 1,000 rounds and started shooting on Talladega’s pistol range. After checking on the rules for an upcoming GLOCK Sports Shooting Foundation (GSSF) match, I realized that I didn’t even have a pistol to shoot that would qualify! So, I borrowed a pistol with a new-fangled type of sight called a reflex site. I found this type of sight to be much easier to shoot, and my already big head swelled further with the possibilities. This competition stuff would be so easy. Just bam, bam, and I take home a prize!
I wanted my wife with me on the day of the competition. I was so amped up to show off my renewed skills. These other competitors would definitely be impressed.
The GSSF is a great competition for those just getting started in the world of competitive shooting. It is shot from a stationary position in three stages. I waited my turn on the shooting range, chatting with my wife and watching others shoot. When my name was called, I confidently walked up to the Range Officer and set my pistol on the shooting table. That is when I noticed something – there were a lot of people watching. Many more than I was accustomed to. A lot of professionally dressed shooters. I glanced back at my wife and looked at the Range Officer. He asked me if I was ready, and my mind went blank.
“Ready for what? Why am I here? Why are all of these people staring at me?”
I looked at my hands, and suddenly I had some terrible nerve disorder. My hands were shaking like I had flown to Antartica instead of Alabama in August. The Range Officer asked me again if I was ready. I mumbled some response that must have been positive because he told me to pick up my pistol. I picked up the pistol and he said “Ready,” again. I could only nod my head because my mouth was suddenly as dry as a desert.
There was a “beep,” and I knew to fire, but I could not due to me not loading the pistol! The Range Officer was very patient with me and helped me pick up my rounds as they fell from my shaking hands. I could feel hundreds of eyes on the back of my neck as I imagined their impatience with my ineptness growing.
My wife yelled to me at this point and asked why my hands were shaking so much. I, of course, could not answer her due to my inability to breathe properly by now. After loading up, I got the beep again, and I finally fired my first course. I knew that I had hit something due to all of the dirt flying, but I’m not sure if it was the target.
As we were walking to the next course of fire, my wife asked me what was wrong. She said she had never seen me so nervous. I took a big drink of water and told her I could not stop shaking. She reassured me with that love that only a spouse could, and I moved on.
The next course of fire produced the same results – the shaking did not stop. However, not only was dirt thrown around, but I believe I saw feathers float gently to the ground this time. When would this horror end?
Before the last course, my wife sat me down under one of the awnings the CMP provided, and we talked. She told me that this was a new side of me that she had never seen. My usual swagger and confidence had been replaced by a vulnerability that was new. I laughed at her because that was what I needed to hear. I was new to a situation.
Competition is a different animal to ride. My overconfidence (what I call the “Big Head”) was now glaringly obvious. Training for combat experiences is vastly different from competitive shooting training. I was not prepared.
I looked around me with new eyes. There were a lot of professional shooters present. You could spot them easily with their sponsored shirts and high-end pistols. I realized that I was not in competition at all with them. I was signed up as an amateur. Those people looked just like me. Jeans or shorts and a t-shirt. I began to relax. My last course of fire was the hardest targets to hit. Six-inch metal plates on a rack. I ran them like an expert!
I did not do as well as I would have liked (understatement), but I finished strong. I also learned a valuable lesson or two.
One: Train with a coach if you can afford it.
Two: Do not expect to win the very first competition you enter (although some have, like Talladega Park Manager Bret Lankford).
Three: Get a competition pistol if you intend to keep shooting.
Finally, do not ever, and I mean ever – even accidently – shoot wildlife at a sporting event! Okay, I didn’t really, but that was too funny not to say!
Good shooting.
Upcoming GSSF Events:
The 2025 GLOCK Annual Shoot XXXII and Gunny Challenge will be held at Talladega Marksmanship Park Sept. 19-21! Register for the event at
GLOCK will also be hosting its annual GSSF National Challenge July 15 during the National Pistol Matches at Camp Perry in Port Clinton, Ohio. Registration for the event opens March 1! Learn more at
Find out even more about the GSSF and find upcoming events around the country at
About Talladega Marksmanship Park:
Talladega Marksmanship Park, “The Home of Marksmanship,” is a worthy destination for firearm supporters and guests looking for practice, competition and mindful learning opportunities. Featuring CMP electronic targets and scoring monitors that can only be found at the 500-acre facility, the park regularly hosts rifle, pistol and shotgun events all year long. The CMP’s Unknown Distance Range at Talladega also allows guests to practice their skills in the field of over 100 steel targets, while the 20-lane life-size 3D target Archery Range provides even more marksmanship fun at the park.
The public is welcome daily, all year long, to test out their firearms or to simply explore the grounds. Off the firing line, the Club House holds a fully stocked Pro Shop that includes an exclusive collection of rifles, ammunition, marksmanship accessories and CMP memorabilia that is always open during park hours. Learn more about Talladega Marksmanship Park at
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto
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