WASHINGTON, D.C.: Today, the American Suppressor Association (ASA), announced its support of New York State Senate Minority Leader Robert G. Ortt’s bill to lift the statewide ban on suppressors for hunting.
“We applaud Leader Ortt for championing the safety and hearing of New York’s gun owners. Hunters must be able listen to their surroundings to preserve their own safety, the safety of others, and the well-being of wildlife in the area,” said Knox Williams, President and Executive Director of the American Suppressor Association. “By restricting hunters from using suppressors, current New York law forces its citizens to endure damage to their hearing if they wish to exercise their Second Amendment right. This bill would change that. It’s time for New York lawmakers to pass this common-sense legislation that aligns with the majority of other states across the country.”
— Knox Williams, President and Executive Director of ASA.
Senator Ortt’s bill would legalize firearm suppressors in New York state, allowing for the legal possession of suppressors and for their use in hunting. Forty-two other states allow for the use of firearm suppressors, and 41 states allow the use of suppressors in the field.
- Currently, New York State fully bans the use and ownership of suppressors, including for hunting.
- Because of the nature of hunting, hunters are often forced to go without hearing protection. As a result, noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus are two of the most common afflictions for hunters.
- By reducing the noise level of a firearm by 20-35 decibels, suppressors would help the 700,000 hunters in New York State protect their hearing while pursuing their passion and helping the state with its environmental conservation efforts.
• Senator Ortt is a longtime supporter of New Yorker’s 2nd Amendment rights and advocate for their safety – including their hearing. He has introduced a version of this bill every legislative session since 2017 and continues to be a tireless advocate for New York state’s hunting community.
ABOUT THE AMERICAN SUPPRESSOR ASSOCIATION The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is the unified voice of the suppressor industry. Our mission is to unite and advocate for the common interests of the suppressor community. To accomplish our mission, our principal initiatives focus on state lobbying, federal lobbying, public education, and industry outreach. For more information on the Hearing Protection Act and the American Suppressor Association, visit https://americansuppressorassociation.com/
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